Search for tag: "course"

Step 1, 2022 Bridge Enrollment - USHE Form How To

This video is from the Utah System of Higher Education and reviews how to complete the Concurrent Enrollment Participation Form, one of three requirements to be completed for admission to the Bridge…





If You Build It, Will They Come? The Importance of Partnerships & Marketing for Online Programming

Cathleen Zick, Ph.D, Associate Dean - College of Social & Behavioral ScienceThe College of Social & Behavioral Science is a trail blazer when it comes to UOnline course development. But how…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 6 plays

Pushing the Boundaries of Canvas

Jennifer Brown, Ph.D, Associate Professor - LEAP & Early College DepartmentCanvas can sometimes feel restricting when it comes to innovative teaching methods. Learn how Jennifer Brown and the…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 96 plays

Intelligent Design in a Fully Online STEM Service Course

Greg Owens, Ph.D, Associate Professor - Chemistry DepartmentSome think a STEM course cannot be online because it should be hands on. Learn how Greg Owens researched and experimented with different…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 47 plays

Publish your Video to a Course Media Gallery

The Media Gallery works a lot like a course YouTube channel. It allows students to search videos posted a lost fast and easier. Also, as the instructor if you are allowing downloads of your videos,…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 146 plays

How to Add Unenrolled Students to a Canvas Course

Adding unenrolled students to a Canvas course is a very popular question and request. In most cases instructors are allowing students who received an incomplete in their course to complete the…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 99 plays

Publishing a Canvas Course

A course and its contents must be published in order for students to have access to it. In this tutorial, learn how to publish, unpublish, and the requirements for each process.

From  MICAH MURDOCK 248 plays

Adobe Spark & Mobile Apps

Learn from Adobe more about Adobe Spark & Mobile apps and how they can be used in your courses to enhance your students’ digital literacy outcomes. Adobe mobile apps can be used to capture…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 71 plays

Organizing Guest Speakers into ANY Course Part 2

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Rebekah Grow, Instructional Designer TLT and Online Program Coordinator College of Social & Behavioral Science presents on…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 3 plays

Power of Prediction

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Alyson Froehlich, Higher Ed Consultant CTLE, Associate Professor Psychology presents on the power of prediction in the classroom…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 6 plays

Implementing Library Course Reserves

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Diane Griffiths, MLIB Reserves Manager, Liz Gabbitas, MLIB Reserves Supervisor and Troy Bennett, Research Assistant and…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 11 plays

Organizing Guest Speakers into ANY Course Part 1

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Kelli Bettilyon, online instructor Art & Art History presents on incorporating lectures from each of the department's…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 7 plays

Creative Curriculum: The Importance of Adobe Creative Cloud

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Bridget McNamara, Adobe Sr. Customer Success Manager presents on the importance of Adobe Creative Cloud for creating creative…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 33 plays

Designing Module Roadmaps

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Zhou Yu, Associate Professor Family & Consumer Studies and Qin Li, Sr. Instructional Designer TLT present designing and the…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 21 plays

Program Mapping

From Teaching & Learning Technologies Faculty Forum on April 11th, Kelby McIntyre-Martinez, Assistant Dean Collage of Fine Arts and Anne Dibble, Online Program Coordinator College of Fine Arts…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 7 plays