18:09duration 18 minutes 9 seconds
Malignant Renal Tumors
Malignant Renal Tumors CRR Renal Lab 2020-21
24:14duration 24 minutes 14 seconds
Intro to Glomerular Path
Intro to Glomelular Pathology CRR Renal Lab…
21:10duration 21 minutes 10 seconds
ATI, Pyelo, and Obstructive Uropathy
CRR Renal Lab AY 20-21
19:29duration 19 minutes 29 seconds
Congenital Kidney and Cystic Disease
CRR Renal Lab - Congenital Kidney and Cystic…
09:16duration 9 minutes 16 seconds
Benign Renal Tumors and Vascular Disease
CRR Renal Lab - Benign Renal Tumors and Vascular…