23:10duration 23 minutes 10 seconds
Lung Tumors
CRR Respiratory Lab Lung Tumors AY 20-21
19:35duration 19 minutes 35 seconds
Restrictive lung disease and pulmonary…
Restrictive lung disease and pulmonary hypertension
CRR Respiratory/Pulmonary Lab AY 20-21
17:32duration 17 minutes 32 seconds
Lung histology, Embili, Edema, ALI, Vascular part…
Lung histology, Embili, Edema, ALI, Vascular part 2
Part 2 of 2 CRR Respiratory/Pulmonary Lab AY 20-21
05:39duration 5 minutes 39 seconds
Lung histology, Emboli, Edema, ALI, Vascular part…
Lung histology, Emboli, Edema, ALI, Vascular part 1
Part 1 of 2 CRR Respiratory/Pulmonary Lab AY 20-21
20:01duration 20 minutes 1 second
Pulmonary infections
CRR Respiratory/Pulmonary Lab - Pulmonary Infections AY 20-21
14:50duration 14 minutes 50 seconds
Obstructive lung disease and mesothelioma