Search for tag: "assignment"

Assignment 1 Process Modeling

linear and non-linear model examples

From  Ray HOOBLER 71 plays

University of Utah - Developing Digital Skills through Adobe Creative Cloud

University of Utah President Ruth V. Watkins and Digital Learning Officer Cory Stokes highlight how Adobe creative tools help students develop skills and demostrate their readiness for jobs in the…

From  Adam Stewart 36 plays

Sections in Canvas

Create a section, add the students, and use sections in SpeedGrader

From  Jane Price 13 plays

O365 Assignment Set up

From  MICAH MURDOCK 85 plays

How to Submit a Video Assignment

Students will learn how to submit video from their My Media during this tutorial. Using My Media within Canvas allows students to record, edit, and save their videos created by webcam, screen capture…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 3,813 plays

How to Create a Video Assignment

In this tutorial, learn how to create an assignment for students to submit video from their My Media. These assignment settings make things easier as the instructor because the student videos can be…

From  MICAH MURDOCK 289 plays